This is going to be a busy week. I am filtering the last of the current batch Underworld and should have it back in the 50ml by weeks end. This batch has sold out faster than I had anticipated and I am playing catch up. Also the last of the Oudh Lacquer will be filtered. We are at the end of the road with the original process.

It is impossible to obtain the exact oils and woods I used for the carrier base fifteen years ago, so it will be remade as close as possible to the original, but not exact. The perfume formula has been made several times over the years and it too must go through a few changes. Of all the perfumes I have created, this one is probably the closest to my heart as it is an homage to my father. my little black Corvette and my dads work as a custom car magician who cut and pasted exotic cars and specialized in corvettes.
While I am at it more blasts from the past are also on the bench to be remade. Tobacco & Tulle, Bottleneck Blues and Misetu.